🎶 It’s late in the evening, she’s wondering what clothes to wear 🎶📸 #mbnov

“If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer.”

Hannah Arendt, 1978


“We will not lead by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.”

—Joe Biden, President-Elect

The realization that we’ve just wasted four years picking up after a narcissist while the Moon and the Stars move ever further away. Cosmic inflation breaks my heart. 📸#mbnov

I am astonished at the number of people who refuse their human right to participate in the political process.

Today, I voted for my sons to kick the asshole out. One to fight for LGBTQ+ rights. The other because Trump mocks people with disabilities. It’s a new day. #mbnov

This is a memory I keep. From my boy in gratitude for pizza at school for the class the day before Halloween.

Those moments when you just know all is right in the world because your kid wrote a note. Nothing prepares you for them.

🎶Never will forget this, I Never will, never will, never will forget this.🎶

🎶There’s a room where the light won’t find you. Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.🎶📸

🎶Maybe you and me got lost somewhere. We can’t move on; we can’t stay here.🎶📸